Wake Up Now: Pyramid Scheme? Explain NOW!

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Alright Ladies and Gentleman. I think that we can’t continue talking about how great a business is until we talk about the potential of an illegal pyramid scheme taking place. My email (wunchange4life@gmail.com) has been blowing up about this very matter. So I think it’s time I come clean for you all and lay all the cards on the table.

The real question to ask is what do people call a scam?
I mentioned in earlier blogs that network marketing has had a bad name due to the fact that some companies made poor decisions.  Let’s start by getting the definition of a scam.

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, Scam (n) is- a dishonest way to make money by deceiving people.

So, lets see what the business offers people. You can see the services more in depth in the previous blogs. But they include:
-Keeping track of your business expenses (Taxbot)
-Managing your accounts to get out of debt (Finance)
-Offering you ID protection (Invisus)
-Opportunity to learn a new language (Tell Me More)
-Natural Energy drink (Awaken)
-3 free magazine subscriptions of your choice
-Company premiums
-$100 worth of “freebies” daily
-Local deals
– Shopping for deals online (HUB Marketplace)
-Offering low cost vacation for you and your family (Vacation Club)

Ladies and Gentleman, you are seeing all the services that are provided to YOU! For something to be a scam or a scheme, the products have to be questionable. You will know when it’s a scam because the products being sold are not that profitable. This business changes and turns the industry upside down because they are offering services that people can and will actually use daily. So there should be no question to the credibility of the services.

For those who are still adamant on calling this business a scam, let me list the type of companies doing business with Wake Up Now:
-Verizon Wireless
-Tell Me Now (Recently purchased by Rosetta Stone)
-Foot Locker
-Best Buy
-Office Depot

and this list just goes on and on. With the Marketplace, there are thousands of merchants like the ones listed above that have contracts with this business where they offer people discounts and cashback daily! Think about this. Would these great brand names do business with a fraud?

So, the skeptic is probably sitting and saying “Ok, you have a point. But a pyramid scheme survives with bringing in new recruits. So HA! Explain that!”
Let me remind you guys of something. People get in this business for different reasons. Some want to pay each month just to access all the services but, what people mostly want to do is  make money. Let’s be honest. This is a huge percentage of people. The company always stresses the values of the services. But it’s the people that get money hungry and misinterpret what the company stands for!

Let me blow your mind on another concept. This business operates like any normal business in this great nation. I want you to think about a business of any sort. The company offers products for people to buy. They spend millions on advertising to attract people to come to the stores and buy products. So we can all agree that the amount of customers that come in to buy products are what drive the profitability of a company. So we can also agree that if customers don’t come in to buy products in the store, the business cannot thrive. This is how a business works.

Let me blow your mind from a different perspective. In a normal business, you have employees, assistant store manager, store managers, district managers, regional managers, Ceo. Let me ask you guys a serious question. When has an employee ever made more money than the CEO??? When has an employee ever made more money than the store manager??? Are you getting the picture yet? If an opportunity like Wake Up Now is a pyramid scheme, then I declare that every single business worldwide is also a pyramid scheme.

Were you aware of this??

Were you aware of this??

Don’t feel dumb. It’s not your fault. You simply did not do the proper research to know this. You merely jumped to conclusions.  Just to recap, let me break down how this network marketing business works. Wake Up Now is not going out and advertising on billboards, TV, radio, etc. They save millions of dollars on advertising by having normal people talk about the services they provide to get customers coming in like a regular business does. The company establishes compensation levels in order to “pay their employees” for going out and just sharing the opportunity with everyone.  Think of it this way. It’s like going in a Nike store seeing a great deal on a shoe and then you go tell your friends about it. Only difference is you have the potential to get paid for it in network marketing. This is the basis of it all.

To conclude everything:
Does the company offer real products and services people can use daily? YES
Is the company legitimate according to the government? YES
Can you get paid for helping other save, manage, and make money? YES
Does this business fall under the definition of a scam? NO
Does the company force you to “recruit” people in order to stay in the business? NO

The opportunity to change your life is possible with this company. Whether you want to take advantage of the services or actually get into the money making side, you will see a change in your life. Me personally, I love the services provided! My focus is can you live better with these services? If you can, then my job here is done.

Email me for more info wunchange4life@gmail.com